Mosquitoes Control


mosquitoes are blood-feeding pests of people and animals. Eggs of most mosquitoes are laid on the surface or near the edge of water. Mosquito larvae are aquatic, but they do not develop in rivers, lakes or ponds.

They feed on algae, protozoans, and minute organic debris. Adult mosquitoes are winged and free living. Males do not bite, but females of most species require a blood meal before laying eggs, using the protein in blood for egg production.

Mosquito bites usually result in red, swollen areas called welts that itch severely and may persist for several days. Some people develop allergic reactions to proteins injected by mosquitoes and become ill after being bitten.

Some species of mosquitoes also vector microorganisms to people or animals. These microorganisms include those that cause malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis and dengue in humans, and earthworm in canines.

Mosquito control requires area-wide management of breeding sites and is usually the responsibility of public health agencies and mosquito control districts.

Control of mosquitoes in and around buildings depends on sanitation to eliminate breeding sites and exclusion to keep mosquitoes out of buildings. 

To suppress mosquito populations or protect from the effects of mosquitoes, utilize any or all of the following strategies: Source/Habitat Reduction Drain any standing water and eliminate all objects or containers that hold water or could serve as a breeding site. These containers can be old tires, cans, bottles and dishes that contain water where mosquito larvae can develop. Look for blocked rain gutters as sources of standing water.

Certain mosquitoes develop in water trapped in cavities of trees or basins formed by tree branches. Some species require only small quantities of water for short periods of time to develop.

Livestock and pet water containers should be emptied and cleaned regularly to prevent mosquitoes from using these as breeding sites. Fish ponds and other bodies of water that cannot be drained periodically may be stocked with small mosquito fish or other top feeding minnows that effectively control developing larvae.

Exclude adult mosquitoes from buildings by using screens over doors, windows and other openings. If necessary, use appropriate insecticides to reduce biting females inside enclosed areas.

These reductions will only be temporary unless steps are taken to exclude adult mosquitoes, eliminate breeding sites and destroy larvae.

Repellents/Avoidance An insect repellent applied to skin or clothing reduces mosquito attacks on people who must spend time outdoors in areas where mosquitoes are a problem.

For best results, read and follow label directions when using repellents. Remain indoors during peak biting times. If exposure to mosquitoes cannot be avoided, cover bare skin with clothing, avoid shaded grassy or wooded areas and wear light colored clothing that is less attractive to mosquitoes.

Chemical Suppression Use pesticides against mosquito adults and/or larvae to suppress the population level. Larvicides are applied to breeding sites and are used to control larvae and pupae.

Pesticide are used to reduce the numbers of adult mosquitoes in a given area. Spray during the cool hours of the evening or early morning to prevent the insecticide from being dispersed by heat thermals and to contact adult mosquitoes when many are most active.

For effective mosquitoes control services in Lahore contact us 


Please feel free to Call Mubeen for effective demak control services #03004877721

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